فاز دوم پروژه: alu

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کد های پروژه

ابتدا کد اصلی:

library IEEE;

— Uncomment the following library declaration if using
— arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values

— Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
— any Xilinx leaf cells in this code.
–library UNISIM;
–use UNISIM.VComponents.all;

entity ALU is
Port (
clk : in std_logic;
newvalue :in STD_LOGIC;
a : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (32-1 downto 0);
alucontroler : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3-1 downto 0);
b : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (32-1 downto 0);

       z            : out STD_LOGIC;
       o            : out STD_LOGIC;
       n            : out STD_LOGIC;
       rdy          : out STD_LOGIC;

       c          : out STD_LOGIC;
       y            : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (32-1 downto 0));

end ALU;

architecture Behavioral of ALU is
component multi_16 is
Port (
clk : in STD_LOGIC;

        a   : in std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0 );
        b   : in std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0 );
        start   : in std_logic;
        rdy   : out std_logic;
        o   : out std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0 )


end component;
signal add_op : std_logic_vector(33-1 downto 0) :=( others=>’0′);
signal sub_op : std_logic_vector(33-1 downto 0) :=( others=>’0′);
signal mult_op : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0) :=( others=>’0′);
signal slt_op : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0) :=( others=>’0′);
signal And_Op : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0) :=( others=>’0′);
signal or_op : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0) :=( others=>’0′);
signal xor_op : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0) :=( others=>’0′);
signal out_put : std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0) :=( others=>’0′);
signal start : std_logic := ‘0’ ;
signal rdy_m : std_logic := ‘0’ ;
signal i : integer := 0 ;
signal a2 : signed (32-1 downto 0);
signal b2 : signed (32-1 downto 0);

inst_mult: multi_16
Port map (
clk => clk,
a => a,
b => b,
start => start,
rdy => rdy_m,
o => mult_op

add_op <= std_logic_vector(signed(a(31) & a) + signed(b(31) & b) );
sub_op <= std_logic_vector(signed(a(31) & a) – signed(b(31) & b ) );
a2 <= signed (a);
b2 <= signed (b);

slt_op <= x”0000000″ & “0001” when (signed(a) < signed(b)) else x”00000000″ ;

And_Op <= a and b ;
or_op <= a or b ;
xor_op <= a xor b ;

process (clk)


    if ( rising_edge (clk)) then

    z <= '0';
    o <= '0';
    n <= '0';
    c <= '0';
    rdy <= '0';

    if (newvalue = '1' ) then
    i <= 1;
    end if;
    if i = 1 then
        case (alucontroler) is
        when "000" =>  -- NOp
                        y <= x"00000000";
                        z <= '0';
                        o <= '0';
                        c <= '0';
                        n <= '0';
                        rdy <= '1';
                        i <= 0;

        when "001" =>  -- Add
                        y <= add_op(32-1 downto 0);
                        rdy <= '1';
                        i <= 0;
                        if  ( signed (add_op(32-1 downto 0)) /= signed(add_op))   then --( signed (add_op(32-1 downto 0)) /= signed(add_op) (a(31) = '0' and b(31) = '0'and  add_op(31) = '1')
                            o <= '1' ;
                        end if;
                        if add_op(32) = '1'  then
                            c <= '1' ;
                        end if ;
                        if add_op(32-1 downto 0) = x"00000000" then
                            z <= '0';
                        end if;
                        if   add_op(31) = '1' then
                            n <= '1' ;
                        end if;

        when "010" =>  -- Sub
                        y <= sub_op(32-1 downto 0);
                        rdy <= '1';
                        i <= 0;
                        if  ( signed (sub_op(32-1 downto 0)) /= signed(sub_op))  then
                            o <= '1' ;
                        end if;

                        if sub_op(32-1 downto 0) = x"00000000" then
                            z <= '0';
                        end if;
                        if  sub_op(31) = '1' then
                            n <= '1' ;
                        end if; 

        when "011" =>  -- Mult
                        start <= '1' ;
                        if rdy_m ='1' then
                            y <= mult_op ;
                            rdy <= '1';
                            start <= '0';
                            i <= 0;
                            if mult_op(32-1 downto 0) = x"00000000" then
                                z <= '0';
                            end if;
                          --  if  mult_op(31) = '1' then
                            --    n <= '1' ;
                           -- end if;
                        end if;
                       -- if  mult_op (32) = '1'  then
                        --    o <= '1' ;
                      --  end if;

        when "100" =>  -- Slt
                        y <= slt_op;
                        rdy <= '1';
                        i <= 0;

                        rdy <= '1';
                    --    if slt_op (32) = '1'  then
                      --      o <= '1' ;
                        --end if;

                        if slt_op(32-1 downto 0) = x"00000000" then
                            z <= '0';
                        end if;
                        if  slt_op(31) = '1' then
                            n <= '1' ;
                        end if;

        when "101" =>  -- And
                        y <= And_Op;
                        rdy <= '1';
                        i <= 0;

                        rdy <= '1';
                    --    if  And_Op (32) = '1'  then
                      --      o <= '1' ;
                        --end if;

                        if And_Op(32-1 downto 0) = x"00000000" then
                            z <= '0';
                        end if;
                     --   if  And_Op(31) = '1' then
                       --     n <= '1' ;
                       -- end if;

        when "110" =>  -- Or
                        y <=or_op ; 
                        rdy <= '1';
                        i <= 0;

                        rdy <= '1';
                    --    if  or_op (32) = '1'  then
                      --      o <= '1' ;
                        --end if;

                        if or_op(32-1 downto 0) = x"00000000" then
                            z <= '0';
                        end if;
                     --   if  or_op(31) = '1' then
                      --      n <= '1' ;
                       -- end if;

        when "111" =>  -- Xor
                        y <= xor_op ;
                        rdy <= '1';
                        i <= 0;

                        rdy <= '1';
                    ---    if  xor_op (32) = '1'  then
                       --     o <= '1' ;
                       -- end if;

                        if xor_op(32-1 downto 0) = x"00000000" then
                            z <= '0';
                        end if;
                    --    if  xor_op(31) = '1' then
                     --       n <= '1' ;
                     --   end if;

        when others =>  -- defalt value
                        z <= '0';
                        o <= '0';
                        n <= '0';
                        rdy <= '0';
                        i <= 0;

        end case;
    end if;
end if;

 end process;      

end Behavioral;

دانلود این کد

دانلود ماژول ضرب کننده

تست بنج

— Company:

— Engineer:

— Create Date: 05/23/2024 04:25:08 AM
— Design Name:
— Module Name: sim_ALu – Behavioral
— Project Name:
— Target Devices:
— Tool Versions:

— Description:

— Dependencies:

— Revision:
— Revision 0.01 – File Created

— Additional Comments:

library IEEE;

— Uncomment the following library declaration if using
— arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values

— Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
— any Xilinx leaf cells in this code.
–library UNISIM;
–use UNISIM.VComponents.all;

entity sim_ALu is
end sim_ALu;

architecture Behavioral of sim_ALu is
component ALU is
Port (
clk : in std_logic;
newvalue :in STD_LOGIC;
a : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (32-1 downto 0);
alucontroler : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3-1 downto 0);
b : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (32-1 downto 0);

       z            : out STD_LOGIC;
       o            : out STD_LOGIC;
       n            : out STD_LOGIC;
       rdy          : out STD_LOGIC;

       c          : out STD_LOGIC;
       y            : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (32-1 downto 0));

end component;

signal clk : std_logic;
signal newvalue : STD_LOGIC;
signal a : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (32-1 downto 0);
signal alucontroler : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3-1 downto 0);
signal b : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (32-1 downto 0);

signal z : STD_LOGIC;
signal o : STD_LOGIC;
signal n : STD_LOGIC;
signal rdy : STD_LOGIC;

signal c : STD_LOGIC;
signal y : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (32-1 downto 0);

constant clk_period : time := 10 ns;

inst_ALU: ALU
Port map (
clk =>clk,
newvalue => newvalue,
a => a,
alucontroler => alucontroler,
b =>b,

       z =>z,
       o =>o,
       n =>n,
       rdy =>rdy,

       c =>c,
       y =>y

— Clock process definitions
clk_process :process
clk <= ‘0’;
wait for clk_period/2;
clk <= ‘1’;
wait for clk_period/2;
end process;

-- Stimulus process

stim_proc: process
— test nop
newvalue <= ‘1’;
a <=”01100011100001001001001111011000″;
b <= “10000100110001101100100110010001”;
wait for clk_period ;
newvalue <= ‘0’;
alucontroler <= “000”;
wait for 20 * clk_period ;

— test add 1
newvalue <= ‘1’;
a <= “01111111111111111111111111111111”;
b <= “01111111111111111111111111111111”;
wait for clk_period ;
newvalue <= ‘0’;
alucontroler <= “001”;
wait for 20 * clk_period ;

— test add 2
newvalue <= ‘1’;
a <= “11111111111111111111111111111111”;
b <= “11111111111111111111111111111111”;
wait for clk_period ;
newvalue <= ‘0’;
alucontroler <= “001”;
wait for 20 * clk_period ;

— test sub
newvalue <= ‘1’;
a <=”00000110010000010000110101110001″;
b <= “00000110010000010111001100000001”;
wait for clk_period ;
newvalue <= ‘0’;
alucontroler <= “010”;
wait for 20 * clk_period ;

— test mult
newvalue <= ‘1’;
a <= “00000000000000001111111111111111”;
b <= “00000000000000001111111111111111”;
wait for clk_period ;
newvalue <= ‘0’;
alucontroler <= “011”;
wait for 20 * clk_period ;

— test slt
newvalue <= ‘1’;
a <=”00000000000000001011110101110001″;
b <= “00000000000000001100110111011011”;
wait for clk_period ;
newvalue <= ‘0’;
alucontroler <= “100”;
wait for 20 * clk_period ;

— test and
newvalue <= ‘1’;
a <=”10101001011001101011110101110001″;
b <= “10010101110001101100110111011011”;
wait for clk_period ;
newvalue <= ‘0’;
alucontroler <= “101”;
wait for 20 * clk_period ;

— test or
newvalue <= ‘1’;
a <=”10101001011001101011110101110001″;
b <= “10010101110001101100110111011011”;
wait for clk_period ;
newvalue <= ‘0’;
alucontroler <= “110”;
wait for 20 * clk_period ;

— test xor
newvalue <= ‘1’;
a <=”10101001011001101011110101110001″;
b <= “10010101110001101100110111011011”;
wait for clk_period ;
newvalue <= ‘0’;
alucontroler <= “111”;
wait for 20 * clk_period ;

end process;

end Behavioral;

دانلود تست بنچ


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